📄️ checkLink
Check if a URL returns an acceptable status code from a GET request.
📄️ config
Configuration options for Doc Detective operations.
📄️ context
An application and supported platforms.
📄️ find
Check if an element exists with the specified CSS selector.
📄️ goTo
Navigate to a specified URL.
📄️ httpRequest
Perform a generic HTTP request, for example to an API.
📄️ runCode
Assemble and run code.
📄️ runShell
Perform a native shell command.
📄️ saveScreenshot
Takes a screenshot in PNG format.
📄️ setVariables
Load environment variables from a .env file.
📄️ specification
📄️ startRecording
Start recording the current browser viewport. Must be followed by a stopRecording action. Only runs when the context app is chrome and headless is false. Supported extensions: [ '.mp4', '.webm', '.gif' ]
📄️ stopRecording
Stop the current recording.
📄️ test
A Doc Detective test.
📄️ typeKeys
Type keys. To type special keys, begin and end the string with $ and use the special key's enum. For example, to type the Escape key, enter $ESCAPE$.
📄️ wait
Pause before performing the next action.