📄️ checkLink
The checkLink action checks if a URL returns an acceptable status code from a GET request. This action is useful for verifying that a hyperlink or image URL is valid.
📄️ find
The find action locates an element in the current interface and interacts with it, such as validating its text content, clicking it, or typing into it.
📄️ goTo
The goTo action navigates to a URL. This action is useful for starting a test at a specific page.
📄️ httpRequest
The httpRequest action makes arbitrary HTTP calls, allowing you to call and validate APIs and use web services.
📄️ runShell
The runShell action runs a shell command or script on the local machine and evaluates the results, extending Doc Detective's testing capabilities to anything you can script.
📄️ saveScreenshot
The saveScreenshot action captures a PNG of the current viewport. If an image with the same name and dimensions exists, it can also perform pixel diffs and capture updated screenshots for debugging or media updating purposes.
📄️ setVariables
The setVariables action sets environment variables from a .env file. This action is useful for accessing sensitive information, such as API keys or other credentials, without hardcoding them into your tests.
📄️ startRecording
The startRecording action records tests as they are run for debugging or multimedia purposes.
📄️ stopRecording
The stopRecording action stops a recording started by a startRecording action.
📄️ typeKeys
The typeKeys action registers key presses, including special keys such as Enter. This action is useful for simulating user input, such as filling out a form, navigating a website, or using keyboard shortcuts.
📄️ wait
The wait action pauses before performing the next step. This action is useful for waiting a set duration before continuing a test, such as creating a pause before ending a recording.