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Learn the key concepts that form the foundation of Doc Detective.

Test specification

A test specification is a group of tests to run in one or more contexts. Conceptually parallel to a document.


A test is a sequence of steps to perform. Conceptually parallel to a procedure.


A step is a portion of a test that includes a single action. Conceptually parallel to a step in a procedure.


An action is the task performed in a step. Doc Detective supports a variety of actions:

checkLinkCheck if a URL returns an acceptable status code from a GET request.
findLocate and interact with an element on the page.
goToNavigate to a specified URL.
httpRequestPerform a generic HTTP request, for example to an API.
runShellPerform a native shell command.
saveScreenshotTake a screenshot in PNG format.
setVariablesLoad environment variables from a .env file.
startRecordingCapture a video of test run.
stopRecordingStop capturing a video of test run.
typeKeysType keys. To type special keys, begin and end the string with $ and use the special key’s enum. For example, to type the Escape key, enter $ESCAPE$.
waitPause before performing the next action.


A context consists of an application and platforms that support the tests.

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